This program is exclusively based in 乐天堂app, Wyoming. Learn the foundations and advanced techniques from courses such as stocks and soups, food preparation of meats and baking to garde manger. Utilize the resources of local businesses and intern at some of 乐天堂app’s leading resorts and restaurants, four months in the summer/winter seasons.
Study and take courses during the “shoulder seasons” (Oct.11月.) & (4). This partnership helps meet the community’s needs by providing employment through the end of the busy tourist season.
课程数量 | 课程 | 学分 |
BADM 1005 | 商业数学I | 3学分 |
BADM 1020 | 业务 Communications | 3学分 |
通讯2130 OR 本2130 | 人际关系 | 3学分 |
cp 1000 | Co-Op Work Experience I: | 3学分 |
cp 2000 | Co-Op Work Experience II | 3学分 |
CULA 1145 | Introduction to 烹饪 Nutrition | 2学分 |
CULA 1555 | Food Preparation I: Stocks, Sauces and Soups | 3学分 |
CULA 1600 | 加尔达经理 | 3学分 |
CULA 2700 | 烘焙 | 4个学分 |
CULA 2800 | Meat Prep and Cooking | 4个学分 |
CULA 2900 | Fish and Shellfish Prep and Cooking | 3学分 |
人力资源管理1505 | Sanitation, Health, & Hi中的安全 | 3学分 |
人力资源管理1510 | Dining Rooms Management and Food Del | 3学分 |
人力资源管理1515 | 规划 & Control Food and Beverage Ops | 3学分 |
人力资源管理2506 | 销售 & Marketing / Hospitality Industry | 3学分 |
人力资源管理2515 | Human Resource Management/Hospitality | 3学分 |
人力资源管理2525 | Wine Production, Service & 升值 | 3学分 |
Students must complete 3学分 of electives.
课程数量 | 课程 | 学分 |
人力资源管理1500 | Intro to the Hospitality Industry | 3学分 |
人力资源管理1501 | Lodging Management / Front Office Procedures | 3学分 |
人力资源管理2500 | Quantity Food Purchasing | 3学分 |
人力资源管理2501 | Facilities Management | 3学分 |
人力资源管理2530 | Beverage Management | 3学分 |
Students must complete general education requirements that will provide students a general knowledge to help them complete a degree at CWC.
课程 | 学分 |
写作一级 | 3 |
美国 & 怀俄明州政府 | 3 |
大学研究 | 3 |
A student must complete six (6) credits of general education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.
The 烹饪 Arts 证书 are designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in a variety of food service settings within the hospitality industry.
Applicants must meet the general admission requirements of Central Wyoming College. Admission for all students is dependent upon available space and resources.
To be a successful employee of the culinary arts/hospitality industry, an individual must have a passion for cooking, 是可靠的, possess an aptitude for servicing guests, and enjoy working in a team environment. An individual choosing a career in the culinary/hospitality industry must display a positive attitude toward the profession and customers, possess excellent physical and mental stamina, and be dedicated to quality.
See the certificate options below.
The 烹饪 Arts Certificate I is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in a variety of food service settings within the hospitality industry. The general education prerequisites are designed to encourage students to develop critical and creative thinking, 计算能力, and basic technical skills utilized in the culinary industry.
The unique condensed curriculum is offered in the off-season months of Oct/Nov and Apr/May and is intended to provide practical skills that are essential for a successful career in the culinary industry. The extensive seasonal internship provided by 乐天堂app resorts in the winter months is designed to offer training in resort kitchens in order to provide career paths for graduates.
Explore gainful employment information, where you can find occupational information, estimated cost and time of program completion, and job placement opportunities.
BADM 1005 | 商业数学I | 3学分 |
OR | ||
数学1000 | 解决问题 | 3学分 |
BADM 1020 | 业务 Communications | 3学分 |
OR | ||
英格兰1020年 | English Composition II | 3学分 |
英格兰1010年 | English Composition I | 3学分 |
通讯2130 | 人际关系 | 3学分 |
cp 1000 | Co-Op Work Experience I: | 3学分 |
CULA 1555 | Food Preparation I: Stocks, Sauces and Soups | 3学分 |
CULA 2700 | 烘焙 | 4个学分 |
人力资源管理1505 | Sanitation, Health, & Hi中的安全 | 3学分 |
人力资源管理1515 | 规划 & Control Food and Beverage Ops | 3学分 |
政客们1000 | 美国 & 怀俄明州政府 | 3学分 |
课程 | 学分 |
大学研究 | 1 |
Total Credit Hours: 31
课程数量 | 课程 | 学分 |
2145年艺术 | Digital Photography I | 3 |
A student must choose twenty-seven (27) credits from the following courses: 程序的选修课
课程数量 | 课程 | 学分 |
1005年艺术 | 画我 | 3学分 |
1110年艺术 | Foundation – Two Dimensional | 3学分 |
1120年艺术 | Foundation – Three Dimensional | 3学分 |
1130年艺术 | Foundations: Color Theory | 3学分 |
1150年艺术 | B&W Film Photography I | 3学分 |
1160年艺术 | B&W Film Photography II | 3学分 |
1177年艺术 | 数码影像 | 3学分 |
2010年艺术 | 艺术史I | 3学分 |
2020年艺术 | 艺术史II | 3学分 |
2076年艺术 | 说明二世 | 3学分 |
2090年艺术 | 版画我 | 3学分 |
2140年艺术 | 摄影三世 | 3学分 |
2141年艺术 | Professional Practice in the Arts | 1信用 |
2146年艺术 | Digital Photography II | 3学分 |
2150年艺术 | Color Photography I | 3学分 |
2177年艺术 | 数码影像II | 3学分 |
2210年艺术 | 画我 | 3学分 |
2220年艺术 | 第二幅画 | 3学分 |
2230年艺术 | 绘画三世 | 3学分 |
2310年艺术 | 雕塑我 | 3学分 |
2320年艺术 | 雕塑二世 | 3学分 |
2330年艺术 | 雕塑三世 | 3学分 |
2345年艺术 | 艺术金属铸造 | 3学分 |
2385年艺术 | 艺术玻璃I | 3学分 |
2386年艺术 | 艺术玻璃II | 3学分 |
2387年艺术 | 艺术玻璃III | 3学分 |
2405年艺术 | Advanced Projects – 2D | 3学分 |
2406年艺术 | Advanced Projects – 3D | 3学分 |
2410年艺术 | 陶瓷我 | 3学分 |
2420年艺术 | 陶瓷二世 | 3学分 |
2430年艺术 | 陶瓷三世 | 3学分 |
Total Credit Hours: 30
里弗顿,WY 82501
(307) 855 – 2000
120 Enterprise Blvd.
着陆器,WY 82520
(307) 332 – 3394
240 S. 格伦伍德街124号
P.O. 4795箱
乐天堂app,WY 83001
(307) 733 – 7425
302 W. 鹦鹉螺
P.O. 175箱
迪布瓦,WY 82513
(307) 455 – 2625