首页 / 乐天堂app / 项目 / 职业生涯 & Technical / Cosmetology
包括广泛的专业领域,包括发型设计、美甲技术和美学. 接受美发方面的知识和操作技巧, 指甲, 还要为工作做好护肤准备. 了解各学科各方面的安全和感染控制. 学习专业技能,有效沟通,做出正确的决定. 完成课程后,通过怀俄明州美容委员会参加执照考试.
申请人必须符合乐天堂app的一般入学要求. Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the Cosmetology program; application to the program is a separate objective process.
课程 Number | 课程 | 学分 |
BADM 2105 | Small 业务 Management | 3 credits |
CSMO 1500 | Intro to Nail Technology | 3 credits |
CSMO 1505 | Nail Technology Lab | 3 credits |
CSMO 1600 | Intro to Skin Technology | 3 credits |
CSMO 1605 | Skin Technology Lab | 2 credits |
CSMO 1610 | Esthetics Concepts | 3 credits |
CSMO 1620 | Esthetics Concepts Lab | 2 credits |
CSMO 1680 | Science of Hair Removal | 1信用 |
CSMO 1700 | Intro to Hair Technology | 3 credits |
CSMO 1701 | Orientation to Cosmetology | 2 credits |
CSMO 1702 | Infection Control and Sci Standards | 4 credits |
CSMO 1705 | Hair Fundamentals | 4 credits |
CSMO 1730 | Cosmetology Lab I | 3 credits |
CSMO 1735 | Cosmetology Lab II | 3 credits |
CSMO 1790 | Clinical Applications III | 4 credits |
CSMO 1795 | Clinical Applications IV | 6 credits |
CSMO 1800 | Clinical Applications V | 6 credits |
CSMO 1876 | Advanced Cosmetology Assessment | 4 credits |
数学 1500 | Applied 数学 | 3 credits |
课程 | 学分 |
美国 & Wyoming Government | 3 |
*General Education credits of ORAL, 数学, IT, 和艺术是嵌入在各种项目的必修课程.
理发领域涵盖了广泛的专业领域,包括美学, straight razor shaving, and precision haircutting with a razor. 理发交叉证书II旨在为持证美容师或发型师提供头发和皮肤护理所需的知识和技能. 该计划强调在各个学科的各个方面的安全和感染控制. 该项目准备学生通过怀俄明州理发委员会参加执照考试.
完成本课程并不保证获得执照. 申请人必须符合乐天堂app的一般入学要求. Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the Barbering Crossover program; application to the program is a separate objective process.
Program Requirements
课程 Number | 课程 | 学分 |
BARB 1526 | Barbering Fundamentals I Crossover | 2 |
BARB 1530 | Barbering Hair Fundamentals II | 4 |
BARB 1675 | Barbering Assessment | 2 |
Total Credit Hours: 8
理发领域涵盖了广泛的专业领域,包括美学, straight razor shaving, and precision haircutting with a razor. 无化学品理发证书课程旨在为学生提供头发和皮肤护理所需的知识和技能. 该计划强调在各个学科的各个方面的安全和感染控制. 学生还将学习有效沟通和做出正确决策的专业技能. 该项目准备学生通过怀俄明州理发委员会参加执照考试. 完成本课程并不保证获得执照.
Program Requirements
课程 Number | 课程 | 学分 |
BARB 1502 | Orientation for Barbering | 2 credits |
BARB 1504 | Barber Clinical Applications I | 6 credits |
BARB 1508 | Barbering Clinical Applications II | 6 credits |
BARB 1520 | Barber Shop Mgmt and 业务 Methods | 3 credits |
BARB 1525 | Barbering Hair Fundamentals I | 4 credits |
BARB 1530 | Barbering Hair Fundamentals II | 4 credits |
BARB 1550 | General Science of Barbering | 4 credits |
BARB 1625 | Techniques in Barbering | 4 credits |
BARB 1675 | Barbering Assessment | 2 credits |
数学 1500 | Applied 数学 | 3 credits |
General Education Requirements
Embedded in program-required courses.
Total Credit Hours: 35
理发领域涵盖了广泛的专业领域,包括美学, straight razor shaving, and precision haircutting with a razor. 理发一级证书旨在为学生提供头发和皮肤护理所需的知识和技能. 该计划强调各学科各方面的安全和感染控制,学生还将学习有效沟通和做出正确决策的专业技能. 该项目准备学生通过怀俄明州理发委员会参加执照考试. 完成本课程并不保证获得执照.
Program Requirements
课程 Number | 课程 |
学分 |
BARB 1502 | Orientation for Barbering |
2 credits |
BARB 1504 | Barber Clinical Applications I |
6 credits |
BARB 1508 | Barbering Clinical Applications II |
6 credits |
BARB 1510 | Chemical Lab for Barbers |
6 credits |
BARB 1520 | Barber Shop Mgmt and 业务 Methods |
3 credits |
BARB 1525 | Barbering Hair Fundamentals I |
4 credits |
BARB 1530 | Barbering Hair Fundamentals II |
4 credits |
BARB 1550 | General Science of Barbering |
4 credits |
BARB 1615 | Theory of Chemicals |
3 credits |
BARB 1625 | Techniques in Barbering |
4 credits |
BARB 1675 | Barbering Assessment |
2 credits |
数学 1500 | Applied 数学 |
3 credits |
General Education Requirements
Embedded in program-required courses.
Total Credit Hours: 47
美容师证书课程侧重于皮肤的护理、健康和美丽. 学生们学习各种皮肤类型, disorders, infection control, 以及一般营养如何影响皮肤健康. 学生有机会熟练使用电疗, and light therapy within the skin area. 学生将进行面部护理, facial massage, the use of cosmetics, and skin care products. 该课程准备学生参加怀俄明州美容委员会的执照考试.
Explore gainful employment information, 在哪里可以找到职业信息, 计划完成的估计成本和时间, and job placement opportunities.
Program Requirements
课程 Number | 课程 | 学分 |
BADM 2105 | Small 业务 Management | 3 credits |
CSMO 1600 | Intro to Skin Technology | 3 credits |
CSMO 1605 | Skin Technology Lab | 2 credits |
CSMO 1610 | Esthetics Concepts | 3 credits |
CSMO 1620 | Esthetics Concepts Lab | 2 credits |
CSMO 1675 | Esthetics Assessment | 2 credits |
CSMO 1680 | Science of Hair Removal | 1信用 |
CSMO 1701 | Orientation to Cosmetology | 2 credits |
CSMO 1702 | Infection Control and Sci Standards | 4 credits |
CSMO 1795 | Clinical Applications III | 6 credits |
数学 1500 | Applied 数学 | 3 credits |
Total Credit Hours: 31
发型师课程指导学生如何应用设计的元素和原则来选择, 适应, 做客户想要的发型. 主题还包括化学处理的应用, texturing, extensions, 研究不同类型的头发对造型的反应. 该课程准备学生参加怀俄明州美容委员会的执照考试.
Explore gainful employment information, 在哪里可以找到职业信息, 计划完成的估计成本和时间, and job placement opportunities.
Program Requirements
课程 Number | 课程 | 学分 |
CSMO 1700 | Intro to Hair Technology | 3 credits |
CSMO 1701 | Orientation to Cosmetology | 2 credits |
CSMO 1702 | Infection Control and Sci Standards | 4 credits |
CSMO 1705 | Hair Fundamentals | 4 credits |
CSMO 1730 | Cosmetology Lab I | 3 credits |
CSMO 1735 | Cosmetology Lab II | 3 credits |
CSMO 1775 | Hair Technician Assessment | 2 credits |
CSMO 1795 | Clinical Applications III | 6 credits |
CSMO 1800 | Clinical Applications V | 6 credits |
数学 1500 | Applied 数学 | 3 credits |
Total Credit Hours: 36
美容讲师计划包括准备美容师的任何计划, 理发师, hairstylists, nail technicians, 美容师在有执照和认可的美容和理发学校教授他们的专业知识. These programs include courses in cosmetology arts and sciences teaching principles; student learning styles; professional curricula development; instructional planning; instructional methods and aids; student counseling and career assistance; test development; and classroom/clinic management. 该课程准备学生参加怀俄明州美容委员会的执照考试.
Program Requirements
课程 Number | 课程 | 学分 |
CSMO 2500 | General Professional Standards I | 3 credits |
CSMO 2505 | Science of Teaching I | 3 credits |
CSMO 2510 | General Professional Standards II | 3 credits |
CSMO 2515 | Student Supervision | 4 credits |
CSMO 2520 | Instructor Assessment | 1信用 |
CSMO 2525 | Science of Teaching II | 3 credits |
CSMO 2530 | Instruction in the Lab | 4 credits |
CSMO 2535 | Infection & Regulations Review | 1信用 |
Total Credit Hours: 22
美甲师证书II课程旨在为学生在美甲师行业的职位做准备. 这个项目的学生学习包括美甲在内的综合指甲护理, pedicures, 手, 手臂, 脚, and leg massage. 学生们还将学习正确的清洁, disinfection, 以及其他在美甲过程中确保客户安全的技能. 该课程准备学生参加怀俄明州美容委员会的执照考试.
Program Requirements
课程 Number | 课程 | 学分 |
CSMO 1500 | Intro to Nail Technology | 3 credits |
CSMO 1505 | Nail Technology Lab | 3 credits |
CSMO 1575 | Nail Technician Assessment | 1信用 |
CSMO 1701 | Orientation to Cosmetology | 2 credits |
CSMO 1702 | Infection Control and Sci Standards | 4 credits |
CSMO 1790 | Clinical Applications III | 4 credits |
CSMO 1795 | Clinical Applications IV | 6 credits |
Total Credit Hours: 23
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October 31, 2021
2660 Peck Avenue
楼下, WY 82501
(307) 855 – 2000
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120 Enterprise Blvd.
着陆器, WY 82520
(307) 332 – 3394
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240 S. Glenwood St #124
P.O. 4795箱
乐天堂app, WY 83001
(307) 733 – 7425
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302 W. 鹦鹉螺
P.O. 175箱
杜波依斯, WY 82513
(307) 455 – 2625
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